The Difference Between eLearning and Audio Learning

There are many learning variations in organisations, and this blog will address the differences between eLearning and audio learning, particularly in developing employee skills and creating effective development plans. We will examine the positives and negatives of different audio-learning approaches to help you decide which is most suitable.

eLearning tends to lean more towards video-based learning, potentially with some online reading. This requires the employee to be sat at a desk in front of a screen whilst doing this, and they need to use their eyes and ears to process the information, whereas audio learning allows employees to be hands and screen-free. You need to first think about how to get the content to your users. So, if you’re a learning and development or HR professionals looking to roll out audio learning to your teams, take a read! 

Main Routes for Distribution 

Private Podcasts 

The clue is in the name! A private podcast is not publicly available. You will need an RSS feed to access it, which will only be accessible to those you invite to join. The exciting thing about this format is it utilises existing podcasting infrastructure to deliver audio content. This can be a vital tool in improving employee skills.


Private podcasts are great for L&D as they offer a clean and easy learner experience, where you can schedule the next lessons; the platform will give the learner a nudge when available (podcast app notifications and email notifications available). This method can be easily integrated into development plans to track progress.

This kind of podcast can be added to podcast networks and software tracks the downloads whilst showing you analytics. They work with the majority of popular streaming services, such as Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts, meaning it is generally accessible for the majority of employees. 


The negatives of private podcasts are that it doesn’t work with Spotify, a popular streaming platform for podcasts. It may mean some employees don’t listen to podcasts unless they’re on this platform. However, most phones come with either Apple or Google podcasts pre-downloaded. Regarding the analytics, the download numbers exclude the number of times the podcast is streamed. So, you’re unlikely to get accurate results. 

Also, there may be security levels to consider if you work in industries like the government and employees use their personal phones to listen to podcasts. 

learning and development and employee engagement
Grab Some Headphones and a Podcast!


Audvice is the only audio-first distribution platform we have found for learning and development. Their customers can quickly turn information and knowledge into short, easy-to-digest podcasts. Audvice makes it easy to turn information into shareable content, and there is an easy recording function for non-content creators. You can use AI voices to turn text into podcasts, import your own audio, and get listener insights to track who is listening. This is particularly useful in development plans for tracking employee skills.

Audvice is an LMS and authoring tool that allows you to create and distribute audio learning to your team. 


Audvice is excellent for those who want to take full advantage of implementing audio into their L&D offering, as it is a multipurpose tool and is great at tracking who is listening to the courses. This ensures employee skills are being developed as planned.


The only limitation is that you can only create audio content with it. However audvice creates an automatic transcript, that can even be translated and let’s you add links to visual attachments or quizzes. This helps in creating comprehensive development plans.

podcast benefits for business


Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Learning Experience Platforms (LXP) can be helpful for businesses; however, only some are designed well and can handle distributing audio learning successfully. If you’re looking at an LMS or LXP for your L&D, then there are a few things you should test, including:

  • Does the system have a mobile app? 
  • What is the mobile experience? 
  • Can you upload just audio, or must it be a video? 
  • Does audio keep playing when you lock your home screen? 

Other things to think about are what kind of files you need; for example, do you need to SCORM wrap your audio lessons? You’ll also need to think about what you want the user experience to be.

The systems that incorporate audio learning will usually have specific functionality for frontline or desk-less workers. Companies such as Enabley do this, and they are a SaaS training platform specifically designed to meet the needs of customer-facing teams. 


If you use an LMS or LXP, it is one system that handles everything, making it easier for users as everything is in one place. These systems make tracking and managing the L&D within them easier and ensure employees have completed mandatory learning. They also help in the seamless integration of development plans.

Most LMS/LXPs can be fully customised to fit your needs by adjusting the layouts and personalising the dashboard. They also integrate social learning experiences so learners can collaborate or contact the instructors. This is essential for the development of employee skills.


The learner experience may be reduced in the mobile environment. Also, if you don’t already have an LMS/LXP, there are things to consider, such as implementation, which can take longer than expected and may cause delays. Integration is another disadvantage of using LMS/LXPs, especially if you already have a different system that doesn’t have built-in integration capabilities. 

benefits of doing a podcast
Explore the Benefits of Audio Learning.


Audio learning can be distributed using embedded links through Intranets such as SharePoint or a webpage. This is a simple but effective route, and you can embed audio directly onto a webpage using an audio player. This method can be incorporated into development plans to enhance employee skills.


This is a quick and simple way to disseminate learning and ensure employees can access it. Most intranet options can play audio tracks. 


This option doesn’t show you who is playing what content, so you cannot see whether employees have done any learning. This makes it harder to track the development of employee skills.

What’s the Best Way to Distribute Audio Learning? 

There are many ways to distribute audio learning, and it will depend on your budget and needs as to which option you’ll pick. Our advice is to put the learner first and consider how they will experience the content before considering tracking and admin. If the learner experience is bad, you’re unlikely to get much engagement. Effective development plans must include a thorough evaluation of the distribution method to ensure it aligns with the needs and preferences of the employees.

Developing Employee Skills

Developing employee skills is crucial for any organisation aiming to stay competitive and innovative. By offering a variety of audio learning options, companies can cater to different learning styles and preferences, ensuring that all employees have the opportunity to enhance their employee skills. Incorporating audio learning into development plans can provide a flexible and engaging way for employees to improve their capabilities.