3 Ideas to Improve Your L&D Impact

We have three key strategies to enhance the impact of staff training and development initiatives. Go beyond conventional approaches and embrace innovative strategies to maximise the impact of your efforts. 

This blog highlights the benefits of effective communication, clarity, blended learning approaches and future-proofing your resources.

Keep reading to discover how to engage employees, sustain success, and make an impact.

Blended Learning

We all recognise one size doesn’t fit all, but not all organisations adhere to this when it comes to learning.

In terms of preferences, consider time, effort, accessibility and ease of engagement. Deskless workers who are often on the move have very different requirements from office-based individuals. A new employee, on day three of onboarding, might need something specific to settle into their role. Someone might prefer podcast-style lessons and practical hands-on experience to digital visual content. 

Prioritise personalisation and flexibility by offering a range of impactful content in different modalities. Whether by choice or circumstance, people feel more or less engaged in different settings. Desktop learning for a salesperson who drives between offices daily? Probably not the most impactful option. Brief, snappy content for a desk-based learner who needs to get to grips with the details of a very complex piece of software? It might work for some.

Audio lessons are ideal for deeper concentration, personal reflection, and more sensitive content. Short-form video content is suited to solving technical problems at the point of need. Books (yes, actual physical books) can be used for deep dives into the theory behind topics and longer-form eLearning with clear visuals might be what’s needed for compliance training.

What’s important is to ascertain what makes individuals want to learn and what makes them put training off for another week (or six). Get to know your organisation’s staff training and development goals and what motivates the workforce. Embrace variety.

Employee doing L&D

Future-Proofed Content

Ensure your desire for impact isn’t just based on how the world currently looks.

Does your content prepare individuals for change? Do your resources support individuals with competencies for the future? What skills do your teams require in the next five years?

Your impact will be more sustained (and more sustainable) if you devise a longer-term plan. Content must be appealing to learners now and in the future. Plus, your organisation benefits from nurturing and retaining talent.

Thinking holistically, consider upskilling employees in areas that AI can’t yet replicate – empathy, resilience, creativity. These transferable skills aren’t just for today; they set your workforce up for success in the future, too. Your impact will last for longer and filter through the business for years to come.

Plus, future-proofing your resources and systems makes for a more convenient and exciting experience. Individuals want to get involved because they know they’re learning skills for life. An intuitive, easy-to-use tech suite will accompany employees on their learning journey and be a welcome change from outdated, unpredictable options.

Supporting a motivated workforce that wants to learn leads to a significant impact – make sure your systems are equipped to facilitate this. Set professional development goals that align with future-proofing your staff training efforts.

L&D presentation

Communicate and Clarify

So you’re comfortable – maybe even pretty smug – with your content. You’re satisfied it aligns with your organisation's goals, prepares your workforce for future challenges and suits the diverse needs of your teams. You’ve got some exciting pathways and programmes in the pipeline. You’re confident your LMS ticks all the boxes.

Everyone’s happy?
Well, they would be if they knew about all these changes.
The key is to communicate with absolutely everyone about your L&D provision. You can’t make an impact or engage teams if they don’t know what’s on offer. Explain what’s available, why it’s in place and how to access it. From onboarding to exit interviews, make sure to discuss L&D opportunities. Create an open forum for questions, feedback and suggestions. 
From day 1, colleagues should know the benefits of your content and be encouraged to engage. Tie it to your existing learning culture and chat about hopes and objectives. Be specific and enthusiastic.
Communicating what is available shouldn’t be a one-off bulletin or informal chat over coffee – share specific lessons, courses, and options via email, newsletters, intranet and explanatory meetings. Stay persistent and ensure you actively measure the engagement and impact.

Lastly, be a role model. Committed to your resources? Tell people how you use the content and demonstrate your own engagement to promote a healthy learning culture.


You can create sustained impact by embracing blended learning approaches, future-proof content strategies, and effective communication practices.

Think creatively (and think ahead), consider what individuals need now and in the future, and vocalise your offering. Be proud of where you are, excited for the future, and don’t be afraid to talk about what’s in store. 

Improving impact is a process that requires a commitment to staff training and development and flexibility, and it starts right away. Setting clear professional development goals is a key part of this journey.